Home Blog Learning Radix: From Zero to Hero
Aug 22, 2024
Learning Radix: From Zero to Hero
Discover how blockchain technology is transforming the way we learn and acquire skills. Find out which Radix platform suits your style best.
Learning , Radix, introduction, Review, Opinion piece

Traditionl Learning platforms

Everyone know the platforms that sell courses such as Udemy, Coursera, Linkdin Academy and more. Those platforms alow you to study in a structured way, some of them have auto-grading system build in in thaem. It can fit anyone that like to learn in a structured, step by step way. Another knownd option is Lingo, codewars platforms, those are not structured at all as you can just pick a subject and move along with it, they involve gamefication elements - such as points, rewards and are designed as a game, enanching the learning processs as a "fun activity".

Crypto Learning platforms

The crypto as an innovative technology is progressing in the Learning platforms domains as well. You can find some traditional crypto courses of course, in Udemy or Coursera however the more the merier with crypto we have also platforms that are combining all traditional and inovvativeand engaging all together.

Radix Learning platforms

Radix uses a variety of tools and platforms to engage the community in learning about Radix over time. Here are some options that I personally tried or encountered in the review. In my review, I will look at Scrypto101, RadQuest, TokenTrak and Zelay.

For the ease of the review I would use 3 performance indicators:

  • Engagability - how fun is the learning, fun in a sense of rewarding, game-like expirience
  • Risk-taking - is the platform requirs to put amount of money in order to try the learning expirience
  • Structured - If you like traditional structured course and books, this key point is for you to pay attention to

Radquest.io Currently, unfortunatly to this date, the Radquest is paused, but Fear NOT Radix promised it to be back. So far I think this is THE most user-friendly platform to new-commers.

  • Engagability - 5 stars The app reward you with xrd and the visuals are nice, I did like also that you are getting elements, radgems and cards to create the next radmorphs.
  • Risk-taking - 5 stars You do not need to put any $$ at risk as from the very first quest you'll get xrd to pay the transactions in the comming quests.
  • Structured - 5 star The platform gives you very structured knowledge and guide you step by step.

TokenTrak.io Developed by Dmany who has their own quest based engaging and fun learning expirience. It allows you to learn and earn at the same time. The Radix option called TokenTrak.io which allow newbies to start their journy in knowing Radix core wallet concepts and many other projects in the domain.

  • Engagability - 4 stars Overall, there is XP points and also XRD rewards the balance betweem them makes it feel like a game that you need to be planning your strategy in.
  • Risk-taking 3 stars The reason of this score would be that some projects use the platform not as a tool to attract new commers but as an investment tool. Creating tasks that require a newbie to buy tokens with more then 5$ on a new platform does not make you feel safe or user-friendly.
  • Structured - 1 star After understanding that Radix DLT is your starting point and Radix Milstones Rewards is your end point, you can easily navigate between different projects depending on your risk preference and intrest.

Scrypto 101 Radix has a course for developers in the formal website of their new scrypto language. This is a very structured traditional way of learning, it uses visual aids such as video tutorials and questionier but it isn't very game-like or engaging. To me it reminded the way the Udemy courses.

  • Engagability - 2 stars Video tutorials, questionieers and written text, however no hands-on expirience in Scrypto 101.
  • Risk-taking 5 stars No need to invest anything, just time :).
  • Structured - 5 stars The course takes you step by step to study Scrypto

Zelay Radix did a compain with Zealy that have finished and the winners got the prices. Currently this platform is not Active for Radix, however it might get back, as Adam from the offical teamm said in the Radix community "Don't dislike it! Honestly, Zealy is just a tool".

  • Engagability - 2 stars Although the graphics aren't as modern as the other platforms, you still get points and ranking (but not XRD right away). It haven't felt like a game, even if the intention was to create a fun learning expirience.
  • Risk-taking 4 stars No need to invest anything, at least till the point I got, which was not much.
  • Structured - 3 stars The dapp is taking you step by step, but itsn't so intuitive as I think it should be for newbies.

These Radix learning platforms are mostly fun and game-like, with some giving out rewards. They are rated according to how engaging they are, whether you want to risk money, and how structured the learning is. Most aren't very structured, but they try to make learning about Radix more exciting and sometimes even profitable.


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